Richard  Alfred

Richard Alfred

Real Estate Broker

Century 21 Innovative Realty Inc., Brokerage *

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Richard  Alfred

Richard Alfred

Real Estate Broker

Century 21 Innovative Realty Inc., Brokerage *

Email Me

House for Sale in Ajax: 118 Radford dr - SOLD OVER ASKING

Condo for Sale in Downtown Toronto: 318 Richmond St, Unit #1711

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House for Sale in Whitby - 11 Hornchurch St

House for Sale in Whity, ON- 6 Mayflower St - SOLD OVER ASKING

Condo for Sale in Oshawa - 2550 Simcoe St, Unit 2409 - SOLD

House for sale in Whitby : Closson Dr - SOLD

House for Sale in Oshawa: 1379 Harlstone Cres, -SOLD OVER ASKING

House for sale in Oshawa-1002 Summitview cres -SOLD OVER ASKING

House for Sale in Ajax- 8 Formosa Ave- SOLD OVER ASKING

House for Sale in Scarborough : 31 Yorkshire Rd,- SOLD OVER ASKING

Condo for Sale in Scarborough -1 Greystone Walk dr- SOLD

House for Sale in Brampton: 12 Castlehill Rd, Brampton, ON-SOLD OVER ASKING

House and Land for sale in Erin, On- 6027 Sixth Line

Award ceremony 2023

Award ceremony 2022

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A little about me

Reach Richard for Real Estate Needs

Your satisfaction is my top priority
Richard Alfred As your CENTURY 21® Real Estate professional, I am dedicated to providing you with the highest quality service possible. My knowledge of the local Real Estate market is combined with the power of the CENTURY 21 brand - the most recognized name in Real Estate today. Let me assist you in finding your dream house, in a neighbourhood that is right for you, and in the price range you want. If you are interested in selling a property, I also have the expertise to help you get the fastest sale possible and at the best price.

Designation: C.E.T

Education: Computer Engineering Technology

Speciality: Residential, Condos and Commercial

Experience: 13 years

Awards: Century 21 Platinum, Master, Gold

Area Covered: Toronto, Scarborough, Markham, Stouffville, Brampton, Mississauga, Pickering, Ajax, Whitby and Oshawa

Languages Spoken: English

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